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Progressive thinkers at the EYA – A Twitter retrospective

„We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.“ (Einstein). Facing today’s problems with yesterday’s solutions won’t work! Thinking ahead, thinking bigger, this is what the European Youth Award 2015 stands for. A short review written by the participants.



Stand Up. Start Up. Scale Up. The motto stands for itself. Have the courage to get up and make something of your idea as it has never been done before. Even if our future might seem hopeless sometimes: the EYA is enlighted by the spirit of the entrepreneurs


Graz, UNESCO City of Design and City of Human Rights, is hosting the European Youth Award (EYA) for the fourth time. For four days, the state capital of Styria will become a hotspot for young entrepreneurs, who sustainably improve society by means of digital technology.


Day 1:

Networking is the buzzword of the start-ups represented here in Graz. The 13 best examples of how you can improve society will be invited to the four-day festival, and can learn from each other.



Breaking up conventional thought patterns is essential. Paul Hughes, Director of Ten Meters of Thinking, opened the event after the official speeches in the city hall of Graz. With several ideas on how to improve communication between people he contributed to changing the lives of the visitors.



Day 2:

„Improving Society with the Internet of Things (IoT)“. How can we use „smart objects“ for supporting society and facilitating daily life?



International meetings to share international knowledge:



In the afternoon the decision will be made. Who delivers the best pitch on stage at the Audimax of FH JOANNEUM Graz and becomes „Overall Winner of the EYA“?


  The Spanish project Aprendices Visuales supports the inclusion of children with autism by developing learning tools.    

Despite all professionalism the stage selfie was not forgotten



Thinking ahead where others stop. This is the motto of City Trees, an organisation that wants to improve air quality in urban areas with the help of moss.



Day 3:

Learning from those who know how to do it.



Now it’s up to the students! One international and one national group of students have examined the winners projects and identified areas for potential improvement.



The grand finale: the award ceremony at Dom im Berg.



And the winner in the categories „Social Impact Award“, student project nationally and internationally and „Overall Winner“ is…


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